The latest news in Apple’s ongoing legal issues — Apple World Today


As you probably know by now, Apple is facing a legal brouhaha with Epic Games. According to Apple, Epic Games in June sought a special deal from CNBC reports that Apple exec Phil Schiller says the Fortnite developer wanted a special deal that would change the way in which Epic offers apps on the ‌App Store‌.

“On June 30, 2020, Epic’s CEO Tim Sweeney wrote my colleagues and me an email asking for a ‘side letter’ from Apple that would create a special deal for only Epic that would fundamentally change the way in which Epic offers apps on Apple’s iOS platform,” he said.

However, as noted by MacRumors, Epic Games CEO Tim Sweeney called the statement misleading because the email also asked for the concessions to be made available to other developers.

“You can read my email in Apple’s filing, which is publicly available,” he tweeted. “I specifically said in Epic’s request to the Apple execs, “We hope that Apple will also make these options equally available to all iOS developers…” 

This last tidbit doesn’t involve lawyers (yet), but does show the ongoing friction between App Store developers and Apple. As noted by 9to5Mac,  WordPress founder Matt Mullenweg shared on Twitter today that the reason there haven’t been any updates for the WordPress iOS app is that Apple won’t approve them until the app includes in-app payment options — even though the WordPress app doesn’t sell anything.


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