‘MacVoices’ looks at photo sharing on the Micro.blog service (part one) — Apple World Today

In part one of the two-parter, Reece kicks things off by discussing some of the newest features in the latest update to the social media/microblogging platform, and MacDonald explains why they haven’t had to implement heavy-handed security to keep the service a pleasant one to use. Reece then explains how Sunlit integrates with Micro.blog, how it is and isn’t similar to that other photo sharing service, and why you would want to take advantage of it.
MacVoices is an Internet show that delivers in-depth discussions with the most influential people in the Mac industry as well as the individuals who are out there making it happen on the front lines of the global Apple community. Founded as an audio program in 2005, the show has evolved into audio and video versions to offer the best of both worlds.
Joiner is the producer and host of MacVoices. You can catch up with what he’s doing on Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn.
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