Free Up Precious Disk Space by Removing Unnecessary Apps with UninstallPKG — Apple World Today


You know how it is: you bought that MacBook with a small drive just to keep the cost down, and now you’re running out of space. Well, UninstallPKG ($6.99) can help by removing apps completely — including all of the files that installers throw into your System Folder that usually aren’t cleaned up when you drag an app to the Trash. This inexpensive app can keep you from a costly upgrade!

UninstallPKG is an application that allows you to completely remove so-called “packages” (file-extension .pkg) and all their installed contents from your Mac. Use it to reclaim precious disk-space by removing unwanted functionality like unused printer drivers or completely remove applications you no longer use. This app can also keep your Mac clean by removing left-over files from applications that you have already partially removed manually. 

4.8/5 stars, MacUpdate: ★ ★ ★ ★ ★

  • Completely remove so called “packages” & all their installed contents

  • Remove unwanted functionality like unused printer drivers

  • Completely remove applications so you no longer use

  • Remove left-over files from manually removed apps

  • Remove all 37,290 files of Office 2016 at once

  • Completely remove things like Java or the Flash plugin

  • Remove apps from the Dock & LoginItems and erase the files it generated


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