Apple has highest share of gift card purchases among electronics makes — Apple World Today


Findings from the report are based on first- and third-party transactional data sources, including a proprietary panel of 6,300 opted-in, anonymized U.S. credit card/debit card consumers, and item-level sales data comprising more than 220,000 consumers in the U.S., in September and October 2020. 

Key findings include:

° More individuals are buying gift cards compared to last year. Unique purchases of gift cards were 363% higher in September and October of 2020 compared to the same period in 2019. This is a leading indicator not only of gift card popularity, but also that holiday shopping has begun earlier this year in part due to uncertainty around the pandemic.

° Average spending is up year-over-year The average shopper is spending 17.58% more on gift cards in 2020, compared to 2019.

° Frequency of purchases has increased year-over-year. The average number of gift card transactions per shopper has increased by 12.33% compared to 2019.

° Best Buy shoppers are spending the most on gift cards for this category at an average of US$182.01 per customer.


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