Ari Stiegler launches contact sharing platform PhoneTag — Apple World Today


The US$19.99 PhoneTag device is designed to be placed on the reverse side of an iPhone, Android, and other mobile devices. It contains an NFC chip that allows users to share information—like phone numbers, LinkedIn accounts, email addresses, or website URLs—simply by tapping their device against another individual’s phone. 

It works with an app that’s a free download at the Apple App Store. Designed for both social and professional situations, Stiegler said that PhoneTag will streamline the way people exchange contact information properties—providing advantages that range from dating to networking.

“Our phones contain much of our lives—from contact information to photos to social media, it’s all there,” he said “PhoneTag is designed to make this information easily shareable in social situations, so that users spend less time writing down numbers or searching social media accounts, and more time interacting and building connections.” 

PhoneTag is compatible with most iPhone and Android models and offers QR code functionality for older model devices that do not support NFC technology.


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