Kinemac 2.0.1 released for macOS
[] Milan, Italy – Softobe today is proud to announce the release of Kinemac 2.0, their popular app for macOS to easily create stunning 3D Real Time Animation Software. Kinemac 2.0.1 is the latest version of the famous 3D Real Time Animation Software for macOS. It allows you to create your own professional 3D and 2D animations with the utmost simplicity. Take a look at the stunning 4k movies created with Kinemac on our gallery.
Kinemac 2.0.1 is a 64 bit application for macOS 10.13 . It uses great technologies as AVFoundation to manage your video and audio files and to smoothly export your animations to a movie file. The app comes with a new look and feel, new icons and GUI, and it’s tuned up to run on macOS Catalina, Big Sur, Retina displays, in light and dark mode.
Version 2.0.1 grants several new features and improvements and is a recommended update for all customers. You can find more information on the Softobe web site. New feature highlights include:
* Added the “50 FPS” menu item on the “Export To Movie” panel
* Fixed a bug when exporting to a movie with AppleProRes444 code and alpha channel and occurring only on macOS 10.13
* Fixed a bug on the Time-code display on the Sprites view
* Fixed a bug at importing OBJ files
* Fixed a bug on the lights
* Fixed a bug on the 3D Paths
* Other minor fixes and improvements
* If the OBJ file you import doesn’t define the normals, Kinemac will create them. Furthermore, if you mark the check-box “Smooth Normals” on the “Import OBJ” panel (or if you hold down the Option key when dropping an OBJ file onto the Stage), Kinemac will create smooth normals.
* The “Import and Revolve an SVG” panel now shows the field “Radius”. Set the radius to add to your SVG profile. You can change it later on the Inspector/Parameters panel.
Kinemac is easy and intuitive. Just drag your images, texts, movies, songs, vectorial logo and 3D models onto the Kinemac stage and get them within your animation. You can further quickly use the built-in objects as cubes, cylinders, spheres, tubes, pies, rectangles, disks, 2D and 3D Text and animate your actors with a pair of keyframes.
Softobe is a software development company specialised in software development for macOS and iOS. More info on the Softobe web site. Copyright (C) 2011-2021 Softobe. All Rights Reserved. Apple, the Apple logo, Mac and Macintosh are registered trademarks of Apple Inc. in the U.S. and/or other countries.

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