Bad apps: Apple needs to clean up its App Store house

People always say to the Macalope, “Oh, Macalope, you only defend Apple, you never criticize Apple.” And “Oh, Macalope, you’re such an Apple apologist.” And “Oh, Macalope, seriously, how do you type with hooves? It makes no sense. You wouldn’t be able to get enough articulation to be able to-”
The horny one will say it again for the people in the back: all he asks is that people criticize Apple logically about things that actually matter. Is that so hard? Sometimes it seems like it’s impossible, like there’s a law of freakin’ thermodynamics against it. Or even regular thermodynamics.
This week, however, we do have something good to complain about and complain about it we shall. Take that, thermodynamics!
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