News items you should check out: March 2 : Apple World Today

Since Steve and I can’t cover everything, occasionally we’ll direct your attention to articles from various other sources worth your time.
° On its Newsroom page, Apple has showcased how some New Zealand students prototype their own Samoan language app with the iPad.
° As noted by 9toMac, every Apple Store in the U.S. is open for the first time in nearly a year. It was 353 days ago — March 13, 2020 — that Apple closed all of its retail stores outside of Greater China.
° Brent Potts has joined Airbnb as Vice President of Community Support. He comes from Apple, where he spent the last eight years as an AppleCare leader.
° Three years ago, Apple acquired Buddybuild, which makes continuous integration and debugging tools that will be built into Xcode. Now Buddybuild warns it will be ending support for its services from March 31, 2021, giving one month of support. The company plans to wind up operations completely by the fall, according to AppleInsider.
° Apple manufacturing partner TSMC is looking to raise over half a billion dollars in bonds as it attempts to expand its operations to Arizona while facing a worldwide chip shortage, reports the Taipei Times.
° Apple has supplemented its Hometown initiative for Black History Month with a “Shot on iPhone film” on its YouTube channel. It follows 32 of the country’s most visionary Black photographers as show us their hometowns.
° In a note to clients — as noted by iMore — Wedbush analysts Daniel Ives and Strecker Backe believe that the iPhone upgrade frenzy could continue with the release of the iPhone 13 this fall.
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