EU commissions study of mobile ecosystems in effort to counter Apple, Google antitrust pushback

European Union antitrust regulators have commissioned a study into mobile ecosystems in an effort to help them counter any pushback from Apple and Alphabet subsidiary Google in regard in complying with any new tech regulation.
The Digital Markets Act (DMA), which became applicable in May, forces Apple and Google to allow for third-party apps or app stores on their iOS and Android devices, and to make it easier for users to switch from default apps to rivals.
A tender for the study, worth 300,000 euros ($315,200), will run until Oct. 17, according to an announcement on the European Commission website.
“The aim of the study is to support the supervision and enforcement of the DMA vis-a-vis the gatekeepers,” the tender document said.
MacDailyNews Take: Aswe wrote last year:
Those who want safety, security, and privacy will stick to Apple’s App Store, but a single point of control is always a danger, especially when it comes to capricious censorship (see: pre-Musk Twitter, Apple’s App Store in China, etc.).
iPhone and iPad users must, like Mac users, have the ability to install third-party apps; even if they never do, for it will keep Apple honest. The ability to ban an app loses all power when it’s simply available in another App Store.
These moves, including removing the mandate to use WebKit, Apple’s Safari browsing engine, in third-party browsers, will greatly reduce, if not eliminate, the threat of anti-trust actions against Apple for the foreseeable future.
Also, expect Gatekeeper to come to iOS and iPadOS from macOS.
Yes, Apple’s App Store revenue will take a hit, but there are new products for new markets on deck (AR/VR headsets, AR glasses, etc.) that will more than make up for any loss of App Store exclusivity.
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