Screen Mirror 1.06 – Interact with your small phone on your big display, including audio and keyboard.
Connect your iPhone or iPad over USB to the Mac. Mirror your iPhone/iPad screen on the Mac. Watch YouTube, share game view (with Audio) on the Mac, and use your Mac keyboard and mouse to control your iPhone or iPad.
Why mirror your iPhone/iPad
Larger view — see your device’s screen larger than it actually is, and use keyboard and mouse.
Look focused — ever been on a video call, and wanted to steal a glance at your phone? Now you can look focused and look at your phone.
Streaming video — watch YouTube, or game videos on your Mac. What plays on your phone, stays on your phone.
Share screen — share your phone screen in a Teams, Zoom, and other video calls. Record professional App Previews.
Added keyboard support for MacOS Sonoma.
Minor UI updates.