OpenRefine 3.7.7 – Clean, transform, extend messy data.

OpenRefine is a powerful free, open source tool for working with messy data: cleaning it; transforming it from one format into another; and extending it with web services and external data.

Main features:

Faceting – Drill through large datasets using facets and apply operations on filtered views of your dataset.
Clustering – Fix inconsistencies by merging similar values thanks to powerful heuristics.
Reconciliation – Match your dataset to external databases via reconciliation services.
Infinite undo/redo – Rewind to any previous state of your dataset and replay your operation history on a new version of it.
Privacy – Your data is cleaned on your machine, not in some dubious data laundering cloud.
Wikibase – Contribute to Wikidata, the free knowledge base anyone can edit, and other Wikibase instances.

Note: While the software is classified as free, it is actually donationware. Please consider making a donation to help support development.

New features:

Most text exposed to users in OpenRefine’s UI can now be translated. Some strings (generated server-side) were not translatable so far. To help translators catch up on this backlog, do not hesitate to join us on Weblate. (#5030)
New media files can be uploaded to Wikibase instances such as Wikimedia Commons. The wikitext of existing files can also be edited thanks to the new fields introduced. (#4682)
A button “Discover Wikibase instances…” was added on the dialog which lists the registered Wikibase instances (#5007), whose design was improved (#5009)
In the Wikibase schema editor, statements with non-standard datatypes (such as EDTF dates or musical notations) are now supported, assuming they use strings as underlying representation (#3263)
The Wikibase issues tab now makes it possible to locate which rows are responsible for certain issues, using facets (#5033)
The default throttle delay for the “Add column by fetching URLs” operation was reduced to 500ms and the error reporting for this field was improved (#5188)
Wikibase templates (incomplete Wikibase schemas) can be saved and shared, as a way of helping contributors use the same way of structuring data in a Wikibase instance (#5043, #5303)
The line-based importer now supports a custom delimiter, instead of only newlines (#4103)
The Excel importer can be configured to import all cells as text, disabling the use of other datatypes supported by OpenRefine (#4838)
The “some value” and “no value” Wikibase values can now be uploaded by OpenRefine (#5360)
The Excel importer will also avoid coercing cell values to OpenRefine datatypes which do not fully fit them, such as representing a date as a date with time (#5389, #5390).

GREL changes:

Improved error handling in number formatting with the GREL toString function (#816)
The behaviour of the GREL function wholeText() has changed slightly in the way it handles newlines, following an upstream change in the jsoup library (jsoup issue #1636)
A new parent GREL function, to obtain the parent element of an XML element, was added (#5176)

Bug fixes:

The layout of the dialog to select a reconciliation match was improved so that the auto-complete widget does not hide the other options (#4821)
Better in-tool documentation around the way the scatterplot facet detects numerical columns (#4890)
The detection of URLs in cell values was fixed (#4546)
The error message displayed when trying to add a Wikibase manifest with a manifest version that is too old or recent was improved (#4847)
Errors returned by Jython expressions are more readable (#3012)
The ODS exporter no longer creates a default sheet “Sheet1” in the documents it creates (#4864)
Longer descriptions in auto-completion widget are not cut off anymore (#4988)
The interface for editing cell values was improved to better explain how to input dates (#3082)
The Windows refine.bat script was made more consistent with the Unix refine script (#4949, #5404)
The “Search for Match” dialog was rearranged so that the dropdown does not cover the buttons (#4945)
Error handling in the scatterplot facet was improved (#4893)
The “Collapse consecutive whitespaces” operation now handles unicode whitespace correctly (#4898)
The handling of GZIP-compressed files without .gz extension was improved in the importing pipeline (#547)
The “Add column based on this column dialog” can be submitted by pressing “Enter” in the column field (#5143)
The editing of redirected Wikibase items was fixed (#5162)
The user experience was improved in the case of incomplete Wikibase schemas (#5131)
The memory usage display was improved to show the used memory instead of the total memory, and was made more precise (#5222)
The association of labels to form inputs was improved, enhancing the accessibility of the interface (#5239, #5242, #5249, #5284)
An overflow issue in the reconciliation dialog was fixed (#5285)
The Wikibase manifests now properly support locally-running reconciliation endpoints (#5035)
The aspect ratio of Wikibase logos is now properly preserved (#5306)
The SQL exporter interface was improved (#5224)
The cell edit popup and dialogs with textbox inputs became resizable (#5330)
When marking a set of cells as “New” in an unreconciled column, the user is prompted for the reconciliation service to use (#4985)
More quality assurance checks were introduced in the Wikibase extension, such as checking for identical label and description in new Wikibase items (#4980)
The caching of auto-completion results in the Wikibase extension was fixed (#5190)
The Wikidata extension was fully renamed to “Wikibase extension” (#4525)
The controls of the cluster and edit dialog are greyed out while clustering is taking place (#5369)
The handling of unicode whitespace was improved throughout the application (#5105)
Our MacOS packages (.DMG) are now properly signed and notarized, which should make their installation easier (#4586). Also, the presentation of the DMG image was made more user-friendly by including the customary link to the Applications folder. (#5509)
The parsing of the unary minus sign in GREL was fixed (#5465)
(From 3.7-beta3 on) The clustering dialog no longer introduces non-breaking spaces when selecting options with spaces…

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