Spundle 1.8 adds support for Case-sensitive APFS sparse bundles

Disk Utility gives sadly limited access to the full features available in sparse bundles, most of which require the use of the command tool hdiutil. Over three years ago, I released a small utility, Spundle, that wraps into a GUI app most of the more important tools for creating and maintaining sparse bundles.

Recently, Alvin asked me to add support for another file system, Case-sensitive APFS, to those already available for use in sparse bundles created using Spundle. This new version of Spundle does just that, allowing you to create and maintain both unencrypted and encrypted Case-sensitive APFS sparse bundles withouthaving to use Terminal.

Spundle version 1.8 is available now from here: spundle18
from Downloads above, from its Product Page, and through its auto-update mechanism.

If you haven’t already read them, I have recently highlighted some significant issues in the use of sparse bundles.