RsyncUI 1.7.9 – Next generation, swiftUI-based, GUI version of the RsyncOSX.

RsyncUI is the next generation of RsyncOSX. RsyncUI is a GUI for the command line tool rsync. RsyncUI is a SwiftUI based application.

From this release, RsyncUI is only supported on macOS Sonoma, the latest release of macOS. This also includes the RsyncUI version on Homebrew. With every new release of SwiftUI and macOS, there are several new features that are also beneficial for RsyncUI. The result is that the macOS Sonoma version of RsyncUI includes enhancements not found in the other version. And it is difficult to maintain two releases of RsyncUI; there are too many #avaliable statements in the code, which makes the code more vulnerable to bugs.

New features:

RsyncUI now starts as a single window app, closing the window also closes the app
The toolbar functions are now adjusted for which navigation is enabled, either sheets or Navigation Stack
After abanding support for previous versions of macOS there are several cleanups in code
Navigation by Navigation Stacks is set to default on

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