Apple may be considering its own magnetically attachable wallets

Apple has been granted a patent (number US 11839279 B2) for a “Magnetically Attachable Wallet.”

In the patent Apple notes that (obviously) the number of types of electronic devices t has increased tremendously the past few years and the rate of introduction of new devices shows no signs of abating. Devices such as iPads, iMacs, Mac laptops, iPhones, Apple Watches, etc., have become ubiquitous.

As a result of the ubiquity and increasing functionality of these electronic devices, they now travel with us wherever we go. They are often used during or in conjunction with many daily activities, either while performing an activity or in a manner that supplements an activity.

Apple says that, as a result of this constant companionship, it can be desirable for these electronic devices to assume other functions. For example, it can be desirable if the additional functionality can replace a physical object that would otherwise be carried in addition to and separate from the electronic device. That is, it can be desirable to provide an accessory that can replace the physical object.

These electronic devices and physical objects are often carried in a pocket, purse, backpack, satchel, or other such pouch. As such, the size of these electronic devices and physical objects is always of concern. What’s more, it would be helpful if an accessory that is to replace a physical object have a small and efficient form factor. 

Apple says that what’s needed are accessories that can add new functionality to an electronic device and that can allow for the replacement of a physical object that would otherwise be carried in addition to and separate from the electronic device. 

The tech giant says it would also be great for such an accessory to provide other improvements, such as a reduction in size or improvement in functionality over the physical object that is being replaced. The solution? Magnetically attachable wallets.

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