M3 Ultra-powered Mac Studio said to debut mid-year

Apple’s current Mac Studio front (top image) and rear

Apple’s M3 Ultra SoC is said to debut in an updated Mac Studio in mid-2024. Interesting, but not surprisingly to some, there is no mention of the Mac Pro out of the rumor mill.

Wesley Hilliard for MacRumors:

According to Trendforce, based on data from The Elec and a report from ICsmart, TSMC customers that include Apple will increase orders for second generation 3nm process wafers up to 80% utilization by the end of 2024. Apple will introduce new chips using the process later in 2024 like the M3 Ultra and A18 Pro.

The M3 Ultra is expected to be launched with an updated Mac Studio in the middle of the year.

The report doesn’t make any specific mention of a Mac Pro using the chipset, however. It’s not clear if this is an accidental omission, or an intentional statement.

MacDailyNews Take: Our little birdie chirps, “WWDC 2024.”

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[Thanks to MacDailyNews Reader “Fred Mertz” for the heads up.]

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