Centurion 1.5.0 – $18.99

Centurion improves your productivity: if you have to handle many files in a short time, and you need to process them simultaneously by multiple processes, computers, systems… or if you have to filter out files, based on file type or file name characteristics or a combination of both… or you have to rename files (Centurion can handle C-actions, which make him a very powerful file rename tool)…

Centurion can watch a source folder and will distribute the files over multiple folders. The file distribution is load balanced. For example, you can specify that Centurion drop a maximum of five files in each folder. If you have some configurations among your systems which are slower than others, you can control that by giving each as many files as it can handle. That way, you avoid the risk of overloading the system.

C-actions are created by piQtility or piQtility Lite, and loaded in Centurion.

Supports the latest c-Actions version 2, introduced by maFileRenamer 2.0.0.
GUI improvements.

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