Mail Archiver X 7.1.2 – Archive or backup your emails from your email client.

Use Mail Archiver X to make your emails safe and save hours of your time with automatic email management: Your email client doesn’t protect your emails. And your email client makes you waste a lot of time managing emails manually. Improve your Email Security.

If you delete an email accidentally then it’s still in Mail Archiver X.
If your Gmail account gets hacked you won’t loose all your emails.
You don’t need to trust Apple to keep all your emails after a macOS upgrade.

Get back hours of your life each week if you let Mail Archiver X do the email management Setting up Mail Archiver X.

Set up Mail Archiver X in 3 steps:

Select where you want to archive from (email client or IMAP account),
Select mailboxes,
Select location of archive

Now you can start archiving!

Support for email clients, IMAP and mbox

Supported are Mail, Outlook, Postbox and Thunderbird.

You can archive from every IMAP account including Gmail and Office 365.

All attachments can be archived.

No internet connection is needed to access your emails.

Got lots of files in mbox, eml or emlx format? Put them all into Mail Archiver X by archiving mbox files.

Data Format

Archive your emails to Internal Database, PDF or Filemaker.

Internal Database: everything is in one location. The interface looks like an email client. You can search all the emails. The Internal Database can archive up to 1 Million emails in one archive.

PDF: It’s a universal format, that will be accessible for years. You can put the PDFs on Dropbox, iCloud or your cloud of choice. You can even share the emails on Windows or Linux.

Filemaker: if you are familiar with Filemaker and have a license then you can archive to the Filemaker file that comes with Mail Archiver X (it’s not required to use Filemaker).

Bug 5305: Fixed a problem with the option “archive duplicate emails” for IMAP accounts.
Bug 5307: Added some checks for a NilObjectException when adding an archive to the recent items.
Bug 5309: Added workaround for Mail Archiver Pro loading the All Emails mailbox very slowly.
Bug 5314: Fixed a problem with the error message “Failed to get command response on socket” when archiving from IMAP.
Bug 5315: The last archival date is now set for all plans and not only the last plan.
Bug 5320: Fixed a problem logging into IMAP accounts using port 143 and STARTTLS.
Bug 5322: Fixed a problem when archiving from IMAP “Convert IPv4 and IPv6 addresses from binary to text form failed.”.
Bug 5324: Improved an error message “Waited, but no data ready on UDP socket.” when archiving IMAP accounts.

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