TypeMetal 2.3 – HTML-enabled text editor.

TypeMetal is an HTML-enabled text editor. Both a handy HTML notepad and a serious, structured writing tool, TypeMetal is designed to help you produce modern, semantic, streamlined HTML with ease and agility.

TypeMetal was designed for HTML5, and can also open, edit, and create these HTML document types:

XHTML 1.0 (Strict and Transitional)
HTML 4.01 (Strict and Transitional)

Tuned TypeMetal for full compatibility with macOS 14 Sonoma.
Updated TypeMetal’s app icon. The original icon is available via TypeMetal’s new “Appearance” settings pane, if desired.
Advanced the minimum required macOS version to 10.13. (Now and then we have to keep pace with the times, but after this change TypeMetal still runs on Macs as old as 2011!)
Fixed backspacing through a WordPress post’s entire content leaving the post empty and uneditable.
Fixed HTML source view update lag when deleting the last remaining character in a run of text.
The Attribute Editor now saves uncommitted edits in text fields, when you click outside it to dismiss it.
Fixed cropping of toolbar “picker” controls.
Updated AppAuth and OpenSSL.
Renamed “Twitter” references to “X”.

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