Check out this Apple Vision Pro Persona FaceTime call

Still from an Apple Vision Pro FaceTime call using Personas
FaceTime on Apple Vision Pro takes advantage of the space around the user so that everyone on a call appears life-size, while Spatial Audio makes it sound like each person’s voice comes from the location of their tile. If a user is wearing Vision Pro while on FaceTime, they appear as their Persona, while others joining from a Mac, iPad, or iPhone will appear in a tile.
Persona is an authentic spatial representation of an Apple Vision Pro user that enables others on a call to see their facial expressions and hand movements — all in real time.1 Using machine learning techniques, a Persona can be created in just minutes using Vision Pro. Personas also work in third-party videoconferencing apps including Zoom, Cisco Webex, and Microsoft Teams.
Vision Pro Persona FaceTime call with @mkbhd [Marques Brownlee] and @briantong [Brian Tong]! I was actually more impressed with it the longer we were on the call because you kinda got used to seeing each other in our new virtual look. It’s still in beta so it’s only going to get better!
MacDailyNews Take: It lives in the uncanny valley, of course, but it’s certainly very usable.
Check out iJustine’s Apple Vision Pro unboxing, review and demos:
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