Carbon Copy Cloner 6.1.9 – Advanced backup and file copying utility for macOS.

Carbon Copy Cloner is an advanced backup and file copying application for macOS. Looking for something better than Time Machine? With just a few clicks you can set up CCC to make hourly or daily backups of your Mac. CCC can build extensive file version history that you can use to restore older versions of files, and files that you might have accidentally deleted. CCC’s read-only snapshots also give you excellent protection against malware and ransomware. CCC backups are compatible with Migration Assistant too, so you can use them to migrate data to a new Mac.

Beyond those backup basics, CCC offers extensive auditing and verification. Have you ever wondered what all of that disk activity was? Has some application run amok? The list of files that change in each backup event give you unprecedented insight into what’s changing on your Mac each day. Need to copy the entire content of one volume to another? We can do that in just a few clicks. But suppose you’re planning to erase the source when you’re done migrating data to a new disk? We all trust our hardware, but maybe not that much! CCC can reverify files that were copied, so you can be 100% certain that your files are safely stored on the new destination.

That’s just a peek at what CCC can do. CCC can:

Create non-proprietary copies of your data, on locally-attached or network volumes
Perform folder-to-folder copies
Copy one external volume to another
Apply advanced filters to define precisely what should be excluded from or included in a file copying task
Verify, and re-verify later, the integrity of the files that were copied by CCC
Schedule your backup tasks with greater flexibility (hourly, daily, weekly, monthly, apply time limits based on the day of week or the hour of day)
Configure backup/file copying tasks to run in response to a volume mount event, e.g. when you attach the backup disk to your Mac
Configure backup/file copying tasks to run after a threshold of data has been modified on the source
Get detailed insight into which files are changing on your Mac
Examine the differences between your source and destination
Preview changes to the destination before actually making them
Proactively detect (and address on the destination) and deter “bit rot” on your source and destination hard drives
Get insight into the performance and health of your hardware, now and over time

Addressed a scenario where CCC’s appearance (i.e. Light Mode vs. Dark Mode) would not track the system setting when configured to do so.
Addressed two conditions that could lead to delays when opening CCC or connecting to its helper tool.
Made an adjustment to how folder enumeration is approached on rotational destination volumes. This should result in fewer subtask hang events when enumerating high-file-count folders on these devices.
Fixed an errant trial expiration issue that eventually affects Pro License users that are using a license sidecar file.
Increased the timeout when creating or removing snapshots to accommodate slower backup devices.
Worked around an esoteric FAT32 filesystem bug that was resulting in a file at the root level that could not be deleted.
Implemented a more effective solution for retrieving folder lists for cloud-synced folders that were added via the web or via another Mac.
Fixed a couple minor Voiceover issues relating to the volume attribute buttons that appear when a volume is selected in CCC’s sidebar. These buttons reveal a popover, but Voiceover was failing to consistently read the content of those popovers. We also added a transparent dismissal button to that popover to make it more easily-dismissible via the Voiceover Control+Option+Space keystroke.

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