U.S. Supreme Court declines to review Apple’s win against $503 million VirnetX patent verdict

U.S. Supreme Court

The U.S. Supreme Court on Tuesday declined to hear patent-licensing company VirnetX’s bid to revive a $502.8 million jury verdict it won against Apple in a dispute over internet-security patents. That verdicts was overturned by a lower court’s decision and remains in effect.

Blake Brittain for Reuters:

The justices turned away Zephyr Cove, Nevada-based VirnetX’s appeal of a lower court’s decision to overturn the verdict against Cupertino, California-based Apple that had been reached by a jury in Tyler, Texas. VirnetX had challenged the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office’s decisions to invalidate its patents.

Apple and VirnetX have waged a 14-year-long court battle over VirnetX’s internet-security patents that has included several trials and appeals.

The jury awarded VirnetX $502.8 million in 2020 after a separate jury determined that Apple’s iPhones and iPads infringed patents related to virtual private networks.

The patent-focused U.S. Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit upheld the decisions to invalidate the patents and overturned the verdict last year.

MacDailyNews Take: This spells the end of the long-running VirnetX saga which we’ve been covering since — gack! — November 1, 2011!

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