Apple Vision Pro ‘bill of materials’ starts at $1,542
Every single component of the system required an unprecedented level of innovation in design, engineering and manufacturing (Image Credit: Dan Winters)
Apple’s Vision Pro spatial computer starts at $3,499 because it includes a slew of state-of-the-art one-of-a-kind parts. Research firm Omdia pegs the “bill of materials” for the device starting at $1,542.
The Vision Pro starts at $3,499. After adding storage and accessories such as straps, the whole package can cost as much as $4,500.
The Vision Pro includes lots of pricey state-of-the-art parts. One estimate from research firm Omdia puts the “bill of materials” for the headset at $1,542…
The most expensive part in the headset is the 1.25 inch Sony Semiconductor display that goes in front of the user’s eye… Apple pays about $228 for the “Micro OLED” displays it uses, according to the Omdia estimate. Each Vision Pro needs two of them, one for each eye.
The second most expensive part in the Vision Pro is the company’s main processor, which includes Apple’s M2 chip, the same chip it uses in the MacBook Air, and the R1 chip, which is a custom processor to handle video feeds and other sensors on the device.
MacDailyNews Take: As we wrote nearly 14 years ago of an iPhone “bill of materials” breakdown, such estimates tally “only the total cost of materials and does not factor in R&D, assembly, marketing, packaging, and other costs.”
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