Spotify, Epic Games claim Apple’s App Store changes ‘make a mockery’ of EU’s DMA

Apple’s proposed changes for its App Store policies “disregard” the European Union’s Digital Markets Act (DMA) rulews and amplify its dominance over app developers, Spotify, Epic Games, and others claimed on Friday.
The move is the latest in an effort led by Spotify Technology against the iPhone maker’s App Store policies, which some developers and firms regard as unfair.
“Apple’s new terms not only disregard both the spirit and letter of the law, but if left unchanged, make a mockery of the DMA (Digital Markets Act),” the group wrote in a letter to the European Commission.
Apple said it would allow alternative app stores on iPhones and an opt-out from using the in-app payments system, but set a “core technology fee” of 50 euro cents per user account per year for developers who sign up for the new regime.
“The new fee structure in the proposed new terms seems designed to maintain and even amplify Apple’s exploitation of its dominance over app developers,” the letter, also signed by U.S. gaming firm Epic Games and French music streaming service Deezer, said.
MacDailyNews Take: Spotify is a low-fi, non-spatial moocher. The other moochers also all want a free ride, paid for by Apple.
Spotify wants all the benefits of a free app without being free. – MacDailyNews, May 29, 2019
Spotify… has already been eclipsed by Apple Music in the world’s No.1 market for recorded music, the United States of America. Seeing the writing on the wall, Spotify runs whining to the EU like little babies crying for mommy; not a shred of dignity left.. — MacDailyNews, March 15, 2019
“This boils down to the fact that Spotify wants to use the platform that Apple built and maintains at great expense for free.” – MacDailyNews, March 13, 2019
BTW: You’d have to be stupid to subscribe to Spotify when it has fewer tracks in lower quality than Apple Music for the same price. If you’re still subscribing to Spotify, it’s past time for you to cancel it and upgrade to Apple Music. (Use the simple Playlisty app to transfer Spotify playlists to Apple Music in seconds.)
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