Led by Microsoft and Apple, global corporate dividends hit record $1.66 trillion in 2023

Corporate dividends globally hit an all-time high of $1.66 trillion in 2023, with Microsoft and Apple leading the way alongside record payouts by banks which made up half of the growth, a report showed on Wednesday.

Lucy Raitano for Reuters:

On a worldwide basis, 86% of listed companies either increased dividends or maintained them, according to the quarterly Janus Henderson Global Dividend Index (JHGDI) report, which also forecast that dividend payouts would hit a new record of $1.72 trillion this year.

The world’s biggest dividend payers in 2023 were Microsoft, followed by Apple and Exxon Mobil.

The total value of corporate dividends rose from $1.57 trillion in 2022 with underlying growth – which accounts for currency movements, special dividends, timing changes and index changes – of 5% from 2022, UK asset manager Janus Henderson said.

“Corporate cash flow in most sectors remained strong and this provided plenty of firepower for dividends and share buybacks,” said Ben Lofthouse, head of global equity income at Janus Henderson…

Janus Henderson sees another 5% growth in corporate dividends this year to $1.72 trillion.

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MacDailyNews Take: Last May, Janus Henderson reported that share buybacks jumped 22% to a record $1.31 trillion in 2022, tripling in value in ten years, compared to a 54% increase in dividends. In 2012, share buybacks were just half the size (52%) of dividends but nearly equalled them (94%) in 2022.

Apple’s world-leading share repurchase program, worth $89 billion for its fiscal year 2022, accounted almost 7% of the global total.

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