EU’s Vestager warns Apple over fees, disparaging rival products

Margrethe Vestager, Executive Vice President of the European Commission for A Europe Fit for the Digital Age
Margrethe Vestager, Executive Vice President of the European Commission for A Europe Fit for the Digital Age (no joke, that’s her real title) on Tuesday warned Apple about new fees for its services and disparaging rivals, saying that these actions may go against the Digital Markets Act.
A new fee structure includes a core technology fee of 50 euro cents per user account per year that major app developers will have to pay even if they do not use any of Apple’s payment services, which has triggered criticism from rivals such as Fortnite creator Epic Games.
Vestager said the new fees have attracted her attention.
“There are things that we take a keen interest in, for instance, if the new Apple fee structure will de facto not make it in any way attractive to use the benefits of the DMA. That kind of thing is what we will be investigating,” she told Reuters in an interview.
Vestager also warned companies against discouraging users from switching to rivals by disparaging them, saying this kind of behaviour could trigger an investigation. Apple has said some of its changes could expose users to security risks.
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MacDailyNews Take: Margrethe Vestager is a ditz.
When some malware sweeps through iPhones via some dodgy European third-party app peddler, ditzy Vestager and the rest of the drooling EU bureaucrats will deserve the blame (even though Apple will unfairly bear the brunt of the bad publicity, of course).
The European Union arose because the Europeans couldn’t compete on their own with the rest of the world, so they each lined up to surrender their national sovereignty, unique cultures, and dignity for an undemocratic, opaque, wasteful, bloated, bureaucratic quasi-governmental blob – and, even with the EU’s thumbs all over the scale, they still can’t compete. – MacDailyNews, March 4, 2024
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