Google merges the Android, Chrome, and hardware divisions

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Google is doing a major re-org of Android, Chrome, and the Google hardware division: They’re merging! Google Hardware SVP Rick Osterloh will lead the new “Platforms and Devices” division. Hiroshi Lockheimer, Google’s previous head of software platforms like Android and ChromeOS, will be headed to “some new projects” at Google.

“Having a unified team across Platforms & Devices will help us deliver higher quality products and experiences for our users and partners,” writes Google CEO Sundar Pichai. “It will help us turbocharge the Android and Chrome ecosystems, and bring the best innovations to partners faster — as we did with Circle to Search with Samsung. And internally, it will also speed up decision-making.”

Google also justifies the decision the same way it does most decisions nowadays: by saying it’s AI-related. The announcement is a few paragraphs in a wide-ranging post by Pichai, titled, “Building for our AI future,” and the new division is taking a chunk of Google Research along with it, specifically the group that has been working on computational photography. Pichai wants the team to live in “the intersection of hardware, software, and AI.”

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