Apple acquires Parisian start-up Datakalab, which specializes in AI image analysis

According to French business magazine Challenges, Apple has scooped up the Parisian start-up Datakalab, a company that specializes in in algorithm compression and artificial intelligence (AI) image analysis.

The article says the transaction was completed in December. Info on the money involved hasn’t been disclosed. Datakalanbl is based in Paris, France. Here’s how the company is described: Operator of a neuromarketing system intended to analyze and decrypt consumer emotions. The company’s neuroscientific and artificial intelligence-powered tools measure consumers’ emotions to optimize customer knowledge and fuel brands’ transformation and innovation strategies, enabling users with embedded computer vision that is fast, cost-effective, and precise.

Challenges says the acquisition was reported to the European Commission earlier this month. The article says that Datakalab’s two founders haven’t joined Apple, but several others have. 

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