Apple Watch X likely to feature a major redesign

A next-generation Apple Watch, suspected to be the long-rumored Apple Watch X (ten) will use a new resin coated copper (RCC) motherboard design, DigiTimes reports.
Apple is believed to be working on “the biggest overhaul yet” to the Apple Watch’s design. A new rumor today indicates that the next-generation Apple Watch could include a design change that frees up more space inside for other components – or that makes the device thinner.
Ming-Chi Kuo has reported that the iPhone 17 coming in 2025 will also use a new RCC mainboard. At the time, Kuo highlighted multiple benefits of this design update, including reducing the thickness of the mainboard. Kuo also said that the change will “make the drilling process easier because it’s fiberglass-free.”
Even small changes to the internal design of an Apple Watch can be huge. By making the logic board thinner, this next-generation Apple Watch could fit additional components inside. Whether this manifests in a bigger battery or other components remains to be seen.
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MacDailyNews Take: The original Apple Watch was revealed in September 2014 (shipped April 24, 2015), so the Apple Watch X could be unveiled later this year!
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