Apple poaches AI experts from Google for secretive artificial intelligence lab

Apple has poached dozens of artificial intelligence experts from Google and has created a secretive AI laboratory in Zurich, Switzerland as the company scrambles to catch up to rivals in AI.

Michael Acton for Financial Times:

The iPhone maker has particularly targeted workers from Google, attracting at least 36 specialists from its rival since it poached John Giannandrea to be its top AI executive in 2018.

While the majority of Apple’s AI team work from offices in California and Seattle, the tech group has also expanded a significant outpost in Zurich.

Zurich-based employees have been involved in Apple’s research into the underlying technology that powers products such as OpenAI’s ChatGPT chatbot. Their papers have focused on ever more advanced AI models that incorporate text and visual inputs to produce responses to queries.

The company has been advertising jobs in generative AI across two locations in Zurich, one of which has a particularly low profile. A neighbour told the FT they were not even aware of the office’s existence.

Industry insiders suggest Apple is focused on deploying generative AI on its mobile devices, a breakthrough that would allow AI chatbots and apps to run on the phone’s own hardware and software rather than be powered by cloud services in data centres.

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MacDailyNews Take: We’ll hear all about it at WWDC or even a bit as soon as next Tuesday at Apple’s “Let Loose” special event.

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