Amid two wrongful death lawsuits, Panera to pull the plug on “charged” drinks

Enlarge / Dispensers for Charged Lemondade, a caffeinated lemonade drink, at Panera Bread, Walnut Creek, California, March 27, 2023. (credit: Getty | Smith Collection/Gado)
Panera Bread will stop selling its highly caffeinated “Charged” drinks, which have been the subject of at least three lawsuits and linked to at least two deaths.
It is unclear when exactly the company will pull the plug on the potent potables, but in a statement to Ars Tuesday, Panera said it was undergoing a “menu transformation” that includes an “enhanced beverage portfolio.” The company plans to roll out various new drinks, including a lemonade and tea, but a spokesperson confirmed that the new flavors would not contain added caffeine as the “charged” drinks did.
The fast-casual cafe-style chain drew national attention in 2022 for the unexpectedly high caffeine levels in the drinks, which were initially offered as self-serve with free refills.