Apple’s ‘Crush’ iPad Pro ad sparks backlash from sensitive types

Still from Apple’s ‘Crush’ iPad Pro ad
As far as sparking interest, Apple’s new iPad Pro ad is crushing it, literally. A bunch of uh, sensitive types, are up in arms over some used instruments, cameras, cheap busts of composers, tube TVs, some paint, etc. being flattened in the name of good ol’ American commerce. Your local public elementary school – provided your music programs haven’t been cut in order to fund yet another wasteful useless program* some corrupt politician’s second vacation home – goes through more crappy instruments under buses, lost, bent, dropped – every month than Apple’s “Crush!” ad.
Marlene Lenthang for NBC News:
To promote its new, ultra-thin iPads, the tech giant on Tuesday released an ad in which an industrial press crushes an array of creative objects to birth a new iPad.
The iPad Pro ad features some of art’s greatest tools — books, paint cans, statues, musical instruments including a piano, an old-model TV, an arcade game machine — getting pulverized into oblivion to the cheery tune of Sonny & Cher’s “All I Ever Need Is You.”
Though the company is usually praised for its clever marketing, many people on social media were quick to criticize the commercial, calling it “destructive” and saying it is “crushing symbols of human creativity and cultural achievements to appeal to pro creators.”
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MacDailyNews Take: Oh, the humanity! “Many people** on social media were quick to criticize?” You don’t say. Shocking. First time on social media, Marlene?
Guess what? We don’t care. Mission accomplished, Apple marketing! Great job and crush 10x more in your next iPad ad!
*Amidst a national debt of $34.7 trillion and counting
**Who need to get a life
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