Solutions to Saturday Mac riddles 255

I hope that you enjoyed Saturday’s Mac Riddles, episode 255. Here are my solutions to them.

1: Workshop exhibition that came with its own iOS in 2022.

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Studio Display

Workshop (studio) exhibition (display) that came with its own iOS (its firmware is a custom version of iOS) in 2022 (when it was released).

2: The largest flat panel for the theatre in Infinite Loop as of 1999.

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Apple Cinema Display

The largest flat panel (at the time of its release, it was the largest flat-panel display on the market, at 22″) for the theatre (cinema) in Infinite Loop (Apple’s corporate headquarters at the time) as of 1999 (when it was released).

3: Mug shot of fruit show went vertical in 1989.

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Macintosh Portrait Display

Mug shot (portrait) of fruit (McIntosh apple) show (display) went vertical (it displayed a single page in vertical orientation) in 1989 (when it was released).

The common factor

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They’re displays sold by Apple for Macs.

I look forward to your putting alternative cases.