Apple loses bid to appeal order allowing consumer antitrust class action

Apple has failed to persuade a U.S. appeals court to consider blocking a class action that accuses the company of monopolizing the market for iPhone apps and keeping prices artificially high for tens of millions of customers.
The 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals on Friday rejected, opens new tab Apple’s bid for a pretrial appeal after a California federal judge in February allowed consumers to band together to pursue billions of dollars in alleged damages.
U.S. District Judge Yvonne Gonzalez Rogers certified a class of consumers who spent $10 or more on Apple app or in-app purchases since 2008. The lawsuit, filed in 2011, accuses Apple of violating U.S. antitrust law by too tightly restraining how customers download apps.
Apple did not immediately respond to request for comment on Tuesday. The appeals court panel denied Apple’s appeal without a hearing.
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MacDailyNews Take: Damages?
How much did it cost developers to have their apps burned onto CDs, boxed, shipped, displayed on store shelves prior to Apple remaking the world for the better for umpteenth time? Apple incurs costs to store, review, organize, surface, and distribute apps to over one billion users. — MacDailyNews, June 10, 2022
The average app price in the Apple App Store as of January 2024 is 79-cents.
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