A Better Finder Attributes 7.32 – Change file creation and modification dates.

A Better Finder Attributes allows you to change JPEG & RAW shooting dates, JPEG EXIF meta-data tags, file creation & modification dates, file flags and deal with invisible files.

Correct EXIF Digital Photo Shooting Timestamps

A Better Finder Attributes allows you to manipulate JPEG, CR2, NEF, ARF, RAF, SR2, CRW & CIFF EXIF timestamps at will by setting them to specific times or batch adjusting them by adding and removing time (useful for correcting the timestamps of images taken with a digital camera with a incorrectly set clock and to compensate for timezone changes).

Correct Finder Sorting for Digital Photos

A Better Finder Attributes also allows you to synchronize the file creation and modification dates with the shooting dates of JPEG EXIF as well as a wide variety of RAW formats, so that files sort properly in the Finder and other systems.

Change, Add & Remove JPEG EXIF Meta-Data

A Better Finder Attributes allows the most commonly used JPEG EXIF meta-data tags, such as copyright & owner information, camera & lens specifactions, some exposure information and much else besides to be directly manipulated.

You can strip JPEG EXIF information from a file altogether, strip GPS and IPTC location data or edit individual tags.

Total File Creation & Modification Date Control

A Better Finder Attributes gives you total control over file creation and modification dates, setting them to specific times and dates, adding or removing time or simply removing them altogether.

Setting Mac File Flags

A Better Finder Attributes supports setting all common Mac file system flags. You can set whether or not file extensions appear in the Finder, batch lock or unlock files, set or remove legacy creation & type codes, remove invisible files, restart the Finder in a special mode that shows invisible files, batch set Finder labels and force Finder updates.

Showing & Deleting Invisible Files

A Better Finder Attributes can delete invisible files, such as .DS_Store, that can lead to problems when delivering files to non-Mac systems and play havoc with Unix tools such as version control and archiving tools.

On top of this A Better Finder Attributes has a special “Show Invisible Files” feature hidden in the “Tools” menu that switches the Finder to a special mode in which invisible files become visible

Other Noteworthy Features

Batch operation
Create Droplets for automated processing
Drag-and-drop into the file list or onto the application icon
Select files in the Finder and activate A Better Finder Attributes via the Finder context menu or via a hot key
Automatically deals with file date consistency rules
Separate processing for files and folders, batch processing of sub-folders
Additionally, A Better Finder Attributes gives you control over:

Whether or not file extensions appear in the Finder
Batch locking or unlocking of files
Setting or removing legacy creator and type codes
Removing invisible files
Seeing invisible files in the Finder
Batch setting of Finder labels
Forcing the Finder to update its information about files and folders



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