PDFZone 3.8.3 – Extract the contents of PDF files.
PDFZone provides automation based on your PDF files content.
It can automatically rename your PDF files’ based on their content, from predefined zones. It can also extract the desired content to useful data (CSV). In seconds.
Give PDFZone multiple PDFs of the same type, and it will smartly extract the data you need (from predefined zones) to a CSV file.
It can also rename your PDF files according to the extracted values.
Examples of use:
Batch rename a lot of PDF files based on their dates, provider, … or any data of your choice in the content of each PDF.
Suppose you want to have the total amount of your electricity invoice for every month of the last ten years. Tell PDFZone once where is the total amount, then give all your invoices (PDF) to PDFZone. The app will find the total amount for every invoice, you can then extract the results to a CSV file and use the data in the software of your choice (Excel, accounting, …).
Define WHAT to extract (ex: invoice number, date, total, stock value, taxes, …)
Define WHERE to extract: drop a PDF and select the zone where to extract. Repeat this for as many model as you need.
Extract from a massive number of PDFs
Export the data to a CSV file, then import in the app of you choice (Excel, accounting app, …).
Rename the files according to the extracted values (new since v2.0)
PDFZone recognizes text, numbers and dates (new since v3.0)
PDFZone adapts to variations due to scanned PDFs.
With the “Trusted Neighbour” functionality, you can also extract values that might not always be at the same position (ex: the total of an invoice which position is below the items, the number of which may vary).
Save your configuration for re-use.
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