Apple reportedly set to face EU charges under Digital Markets Act regulations

Apple and Meta Platforms will likely face charges for failing to comply with the EU’s Digital Markets Act before the summer, Reuters reports citing “three people with direct knowledge of the matter.”


EU regulators will issue preliminary findings which are similar to antitrust charges before the summer break in August, with Apple the first to be charged, followed by Meta, the sources said.

The Commission and Meta declined to comment. Apple referred to its March statement where it said that it was confident that its plan complies with the DMA and that it continues to constructively engage with the Commission.

The EU investigation targets Apple’s steering rules, which regulators say impose limitations that hinder app developers from informing users about offers outside its App Store free of charge, and also its new fees levied on apps developers.

EU regulators are expected to charge Apple related to this issue, the people said, adding that a second investigation focusing on its choice screen for its Safari web browser will likely take more time.

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MacDailyNews Take: More wasteful over-regulation.

The European Union arose because the Europeans couldn’t compete on their own with the rest of the world, so they each lined up to surrender their national sovereignty, unique cultures, and dignity for an undemocratic, opaque, wasteful, bloated, bureaucratic quasi-governmental blob – and, even with the EU’s thumbs all over the scale, they still can’t compete.MacDailyNews, March 4, 2024

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[Thanks to MacDailyNews Reader “Fred Mertz” for the heads up.]

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