CodeIgniter Wizard 2.2.5 – PHP MySQL MVC Code Generator.

Instantly create secure data-driven PHP web apps using Bootstrap-based forms and data-table grids doing all CRUD operations, now featuring auth, file uploads, and i18n!

CodeIgniter Wizard is a Rapid Application Development (RAD) tool and a code generator for PHP which quickly creates MySQL/MariaDB database-driven web applications with all the CRUD functionality and an administrative interface based on version 4 of the CodeIgniter framework. The output is a working, database-driven web application ready to run on any PHP-enabled web server the moment you publish it from CodeIgniter Wizard with basic settings optimally auto-configured out-of-the-box.

With its database-first approach, CI wizard lets you choose a database, select tables and fields you want to include in your application, and indicate what input field types to create. Then it automatically reverse-engineers the database generating necessary models, views, and controllers, even the new CodeIgniter 4 entity classes, including code for standard database CRUD operations, namely create, read, update, and delete. It even creates a sidebar and a dashboard page for the UI of your web app automatically.

CodeIgniter Wizard creates most of the time-consuming boilerplate code needed for the basis of the backend of most web applications which will save you time measured in months. You can then take the generated project and build a custom app on top of it or copy chunks of code from it to your own projects in an IDE of your choice.

Most importantly, you are not bound to specific custom libraries to further develop your application. Every code file CI Wizard generates is standards-based, generic, secure, re-useable, and replaceable, with no particular dependencies other than the CodeIgniter framework itself.

What you produce with CodeIgniter Wizard becomes your property: no royalties or further licensing fees. You can freely distribute your own products even commercially if you wish.


Ideal for building web apps with admin backends such as custom CMS, CRM, etc.
No 3rd party library dependencies, no cryptic code.
When your code is created, object names are initially inferred from the database table names, smartly considering singular/plural noun differences and table prefixes. You can still change the class names after the wizard brings in some default values.
Some HTML5 input field types are automatically spiced up. (E.g. A DB column named ’email_address’ will cause a form field input such as input type=”email” to be auto-suggested before you have its code generated. And its label will be set as “Email Address:” by default.
The Wizard will automatically recognize many-to-one foreign key relationships in your database tables and will create code for joined SQL, dropdown select controls, and code to display human-friendly names instead of IDs in list views.
The wizard also recognizes the changes made on a database table and automatically suggests adaptations to re-generate code iteratively for the changed part to make it compatible with the rest of the application.
You can also manually define external data sources by choosing related tables and columns on the fly using point-and-click in the GUI without needing foreign keys.
Automatically populated dropdown menus or radio button options on your generated web app based on referenced data from other tables or statically entered key-value pairs.
Much of the tedious task of form validation code, both server-side and the front-end, will be automatically generated based on DB column attributes and in a standard CodeIgniter4-way.
The generated code automatically includes code for user input sanitization for secure form processing.
You can modify the generated fields, and their ordering based on your settings in the GUI even after your web application is generated.
A considerable amount of generated code conforms to many PSR standards
If you are new to CodeIgniter4, you can learn it better by examining the created apps.
Generated code is clean, secure, and portable, which you can copy across multiple projects.
Many more time-saving features to take your development far ahead.

Note: the application exports a folder with PHP, JavaScript, and CSS files. Instructions on running the created web apps are provided in the application dialog messages and the help file.

App requirements:

macOS 10.13 or later1440x900 screen resolution or higherPHP 7.4 or laterMySQL or MariaDB 5.5 or laterCodeIgniter4 requirements


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