Will Apple Intelligence will erode human creativity one prompt at a time?

Easy to use and built right into apps like Messages, Image Playground allows users to create fun images in seconds.

Writing for Fast Company, Jesus Diaz, laments much of what he saw in Apple Intelligence during Apple’s canned WWDC keynote presentation.

Jesus Diaz for Fast Company:

In 1997, Apple unveiled its constitution: a black and white commercial that dared viewers to “Think Different.” Set against footage of trailblazers like Albert Einstein, Bob Dylan, and Mohammed Ali, the ad defined the company as a bastion of creativity, fighting the normalization of corporate America. It dared everyone to think in new ways, to be bold, and go against the grain. The company declared that we, the people who dare to do things our own way, had a home at 1 Infinite Loop, in Cupertino.

This week, Apple seemed to burn that proverbial constitution with the introduction of its long-awaited Apple Intelligence. During the WWDC conference, Apple showed off an uninspired vision for an AI future that left many creatives scratching their heads. Was this the “ground-breaking” revolution promised earlier this year by Apple’s CEO Tim Cook?

With every new AI feature announced, my heart sank a little more. There was the Lensa-style AI-image generation engine that guarantees that everyone with an Apple device will be sharing the same trite images in the style of 2022 DALL-E. There was the ChatGPT-powered tools that can summarize web pages, write emails, and compose bedtime stories to read to your child complete with AI-generated illustrations. There was even an AI tool to automatically “clean up and correct” your iPad handwriting, making it “more uniform and pretty.”

Apple has the reach to shape how millions of people will experience AI for the first time, and it has chosen to take the technology in the wrongest of directions, eating and regurgitating every artificial intelligence idea already out there, rebranding it to Apple Intelligence, and turning its operating systems into engines designed to normalize your personality.

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MacDailyNews Take: Yes, the image generation is very limited currenty. More image options – and creativity – will come with time. Diaz misrepresents the handwriting feature. Apple Intelligence’s handwriting tools clean up your handwriting, not convert it into some generic handwritten font, so it actually preserves your uniqueness, just making it legible for everyone else.

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[Thanks to MacDailyNews Reader “Fred Mertz” for the heads up.]

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