Apple reportedly suspends work on next high-end Vision Pro, focused instead on cheaper model for late 2025

The Apple Vision Pro spatial computer
Apple has reportedly suspended work on its next-gen high-end Vision Pro, focusing instead on a cheaper model intended for release in late 2025.
Wayne Ma and Qianer Liu for The Information:
Apple has told at least one supplier that it has suspended work on its next high-end Vision headset, an employee at a manufacturer that makes key components for the Vision Pro said. The pullback comes as analysts and supply chain partners have flagged slowing sales of the $3,500 device.
The company is still working on releasing a more affordable Vision product with fewer features before the end of 2025, the person involved in its supply chain and a person involved in the manufacturing of the headsets said. Apple originally planned to divide its Vision line into two models, similar to the standard and Pro versions of the iPhone, according to people involved in its supply chain and former Apple employees who
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MacDailyNews Take: Apple Vision Pro will seem much more Pro when there’s an Apple Vision on the market (as likely should’ve been at the device’s initial launch).
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