Apple’s planned North Carolina campus is on hold

Years after Apple announced plans to develop a huge campus with thousands of workers in Research Triangle Park (RTP), the site remains stuck in neutral.
Lauren Ohnesorge for the Triangle Business Journal:
In April 2021, Apple announced plans for a 3,000-job hub in RTP. But the tech giant has not released any public updates on the project since. And while public records show movement behind the scenes from a design standpoint, construction at the site off Louis Stephens Drive and Little Drive has yet to start.
It’s not, however, because of a regulatory holdup on Wake County’s end, officials say. Public records show paperwork for a pair of permits on Little Drive tied to a temporary gravel pad — a likely staging area for equipment to support future construction and often the first visible sign that a project has started — has been in for about a year.
The permits, however, have not been issued. And Wake County officials insist that’s on Apple.
“We have not received any resubmittal from the applicant … until such time the applicant resubmits, we cannot conclude our review and issue approval,” a county spokeswoman said.
No inspections have been conducted, according to an NCDEQ spokesperson. And by statute, Apple has three years to act before it needs to start the process over with the state.
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MacDailyNews Take: Regardless, Apple continues to grow quickly in NC, with heavy hiring in Cary (where the company has space in the MetLife campus), at a temporary space in Durham, and in Maiden, where Apple has been investing since 2009 and has become the town’s highest taxpayer.
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