Game developers offer insight into Apple Arcade frustrations

Apple Arcade offers unlimited access to 200+ games, with more added all the time. Play across your Apple devices with no ads, no interruptions, and no in-app purchases.
Some anonymous game developers continue to face frustrations when working within the constraints of Apple Arcade, the company’s subscription-based mobile gaming service.
Neil Long for
Multiple game developers have offered more anonymous insight into what it’s like making games for Apple Arcade, and more recently working with Vision Pro.
And like our last ‘Inside Apple Arcade’ report, many of them are unhappy with how they are treated, though the money is good. Our sources told us:
• Some studios now wait up to six months to get paid, which almost put one indie dev out of business
• The Apple Arcade team do not respond to routine emails for weeks or even months, if they respond at all…
• Discoverability on Arcade is so poor that one person said it was like their game “was in a morgue”
• Working with Apple is like being in an “abusive relationship”, said another
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MacDailyNews Take: Apple should treat this litany of complaints as a gift, take it to heart, and work to fix each and every one of them. Unfortunately, we doubt that’ll happen as Apple currently exists and operates.
(A little birdie tells us that aimlessness exists within Apple today. Quote: “Apple today is a bloated bureaucracy that often seems confused and directionless. A lot of my time is wasted, but they pay me very well for it! It’s a leadership issue.”)
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