China’s Tencent in talks with Apple about sharing WeChat mini games mobile revenue

Tencent has confirmed ongoing negotiations with Apple regarding revenue sharing for WeChat mini-games. This development could have a profound impact on China’s mobile gaming industry, as it may lead to increased revenue for game developers and a potential shift in the app store ecosystem.
Zheping Huang for Bloomberg News:
The Chinese company is exploring ways to offer in-app transactions via Apple’s iOS payment system, Chief Strategy Officer James Mitchell told analysts on an earnings call. Such a change would enable the US firm to begin taking a cut of in-game transactions.
Apple has begun ramping up pressure on Tencent and ByteDance Ltd. to make fundamental changes to China’s most popular apps, Bloomberg News has reported. The iPhone maker in recent months demanded the two companies close loopholes that their in-app creators employ to funnel users to external payment systems, circumventing Apple’s typical 30% commission, according to people familiar with the matter.
On Wednesday, Mitchell said Tencent does not monetize mini games via in-app purchases on iOS presently and discussions are underway to potentially enable the function, which would benefit developers, users, Apple and Tencent.
“We want to make it available on terms that we think are economically sustainable, that are also fair. And so that’s a discussion that’s underway, and we hope that the discussion leads to a positive outcome,” Mitchell said. “But in the event that discussion doesn’t progress, then the current status quo continues.”
MacDailyNews Take: If this comes to fruition (pun intended), Mr. Market should look favorably on such a tie-up.
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