Apple TV app adds proper Watchlist in iOS 18.1 beta

In iOS 18.1 beta, Apple has finally added a proper Watchlist to the Apple TV app that only includes TV shows and movies that the user has added to the list to watch later.
Apple appears to be working on a significant change on how users can organize their watch queue in the Apple TV app. In iOS 18.1 the long-standing Up Next queue has been renamed to ‘Continue Watching’, and a new separate Watchlist section can be found on the Home tab.
The Watchlist only includes TV shows and movies that the user has explicitly added to watch later. This responsibility was previously handled by Up Next, which also mixed in items that the user was currently in the midst of watching…
The old Apple TV app concept of Up Next — using a single list that combined watch queue and currently watching content items — was quite confusing for users coming to the TV app for the first time.
MacDailyNews Take: Finally!
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