Apple CEO Cook says company will increase investment in China


Apple CEO Tim Cook announced during a meeting with Chinese Communist Party officials in Beijing that the company will increase its investments in China. This move is expected to contribute to the development of China’s supply chain, according to state-run Xinhua.


Cook met Minister for Industry and Information Technology Jin Zhuanglong on Wednesday, the ministry previously said.

“Apple is keen to seize the opportunities presented by China’s opening up and will continue to increase its investment in the country, thus contributing to the high-quality development of the industrial and supply chains,” Cook was quoted as saying by Xinhua.

Jin told Cook that he hoped Apple would deepen its presence in China, increase investment in innovation, grow with Chinese companies and share the dividends of high-quality development, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology said in a statement on Wednesday.

MacDailyNews Take: Apple’s quid pro quo dance with the Chinese Communist Party continues.

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