Apple’s forthcoming smart home display will include anglepoise iMac-like base

Apple’s upcoming home smart display will include old-school anglepoise iMac-like base. Its display will be square – imagine two iPhones side-by-side, Mark Gurman reports for Bloomberg News.
Mark Gurman for Bloomberg News:
Apple is making progress developing its next entirely new product — a smart home screen — and it may be a little smaller than expected. The device will have a square display, I’m told, and be about the size of two iPhones side by side. The screen is positioned at an angle on a small base, making it reminiscent of the circular bottom of the iMac G4 from a couple of decades ago. It’s possible that the base will include speakers, essentially turning the device into a HomePod with a screen.
The small size fits with the idea that the product will be relatively cheap and easy to have in different rooms of the home. The device will run a new operating system that will include some iPad-like apps, including FaceTime, Notes and Calendar. It’s also meant to be well-suited to videos and photo slideshows. The device’s primary purpose, though, will be serving as a hub that can control various smart home accessories.
When it launches next year, the product will be the first of two smart displays to hit the market. A higher-end device will have a larger screen controlled via a robotic limb — a format designed for higher-end videoconferencing, media playback and smart home control. This more upscale product, likely to be priced closer to $1,000, probably won’t hit the market before 2026.
MacDailyNews Take: Somebody’s going to crack the smart home market. After years of fits and starts, it might as well finally be Apple!
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