Colorado scrambles to change voting-system passwords after accidental leak

The Colorado Department of State said it accidentally posted a spreadsheet containing “partial passwords” for voting systems. The department said there is no “immediate security threat” because two passwords are needed for each component, but it is trying to complete password changes by the end of today. There were reportedly hundreds of BIOS passwords accessible on the website for over two months before being removed last week.
A government statement issued Tuesday said the agency “is aware that a spreadsheet located on the Department’s website improperly included a hidden tab including partial passwords to certain components of Colorado voting systems. This does not pose an immediate security threat to Colorado’s elections, nor will it impact how ballots are counted.”
Secretary of State Jena Griswold told Colorado Public Radio that “we do not think there is an immediate security threat to Colorado elections, in part because partial passwords don’t get you anywhere. Two unique passwords are needed for every election equipment component. Physical access is needed. And under Colorado law, voting equipment is stored in secure rooms that require secure ID badges. There’s 24/7 video cameras. There’s restricted access to the secure ballot areas, strict chain of custody, and it’s a felony to access voting equipment without authorization.”