How does QuickLook create Thumbnails and Previews? With an update to Mints

If you encounter problems with QuickLook not creating Thumbnails or Previews properly, one of the first steps is to discover which code is responsible for generating those for QuickLook. Prior to macOS Sequoia, the standard way to do that was using the command tool qlmanage, among whose options is -m, to list all the qlgenerators available on your Mac. If you’ve tried that in Sequoia, you’ll surely have noticed that no longer works.
Since Catalina, Apple has been encouraging developers to switch away from qlgenerators to app extensions to create custom Thumbnails and Previews for QuickLook, and Sequoia is the first version of macOS that can’t use third-party qlgenerators. I have noticed some document types that only a few weeks ago in Sonoma still used custom thumbnails and full previews, but now can’t do so, although others continue to work normally.
These are controlled in the Quick Look item in Login Items & Extensions in General settings.
That should list all third-party app extensions providing this service, and enabling the right one(s) could fix some of those problems. But it turns out this list isn’t complete, and doesn’t in any case tell you which app extension handles which file type. For those, you’d normally turn to qlmanage, but its -m option can only see the qlgenerators in macOS, and no third-party app extensions at all. In fact, qlmanage is now of little help for anything related to QuickLook. I’ve gone back through Sonoma and Ventura, and qlmanage there is no different: although it does list third-party qlgenerators, none of those provided in app extensions appear in its list.
QuickLook app extensions
As far as I can discover, Apple doesn’t provide any equivalent of qlmanage that can report on QuickLook app extensions. The closest it comes is in the pluginkit tool, that can list all app extensions known to macOS. With a bit of tweaking, its -m option can reveal which of those use the QuickLook SDKs for Thumbnails or Previews.
Armed with the appex bundle path from pluginkit, you can then inspect the Info.plist in each, where there’s an array of QLSupportedContentTypes giving the UTIs of all file types supported by that appex. Although I’m sure someone could implement that in a shell script, this seemed an ideal task for my free utility Mints.
Mints and QuickLook
Version 1.20 of my free utility Mints is now available from here: mints120
from Downloads above, from its Product Page, and via its auto-update mechanism.
This adds a twenty-fifth button to the app’s control window, named QuickLook, at the bottom left. Click on that and Mints will open a new window and fill it with information about all the qlgenerators and QuickLook appexes your Mac knows about.
For qlgenerators, you’re given the file UTI, the path to the qlgenerator file, and (when available) its version number, e.g.
com.adobe.pdf /System/Library/QuickLook/PDF.qlgenerator (1002.2.3)
App extensions are divided into two, the first are those providing Previews, and the second those for Thumbnails, e.g. /Applications/ Previewer.appex
This is an appex provided in one of Black Pyramid Software’s superb Preview series, in PreviewBundle 2 from the App Store (highly recommended).
You will see a few entries like Safari’s
[none] /System/Volumes/Preboot/Cryptexes/App/System/Applications/
with an appex that doesn’t have a list of file types in QLSupportedContentTypes.
Checking UTIs
It’s easy to guess which UTIs represent many file types, but some are a bit more cryptic. For those, copy and paste the UTI into the UTI field of my free UTIutility and it will give you clues as to its identity, including file extensions.
Unfortunately, some of the system qlgenerators support generic UTIs such as /System/Library/QuickLook/Audio.qlgenerator (1002.2.3)
public.image /System/Library/QuickLook/Image.qlgenerator (1002.2.3) /System/Library/QuickLook/Movie.qlgenerator (1002.2.3)
which clearly cover broad ranges of more specific file types, but don’t provide any more specific information.
How to identify QuickLook extensions
List installed QuickLook extensions using Mints’ QuickLook button.
Identify the file’s UTI using UTIutility.
Locate the UTI in the list of extensions.
If no match is found, check UTIs listed in UTIutility as Conforms.
Check Quick Look item in Login Items & Extensions in General settings, to ensure that extension is enabled.
Next up for Mints is a feature to explore app extensions. I may be a little longer on that one.