Apple headcount grew to approximately 164,000 full-time employees worldwide this year

Apple’s workforce has grown steadily in 2024, reaching approximately 164,000 full-time employees worldwide as of late September. This represents an increase from the 161,000 employees reported a year earlier. The company’s workforce includes both corporate employees, such as software engineers, and staff working in Apple Retail Stores.
Joe Rossignol for MacRumors:
Apple now has as many employees as it did in 2022, following a slight decrease last year.
Apple’s full-time employee counts by year, per the company’s filings:
• 2024: 164,000
• 2023: 161,000
• 2022: 164,000
• 2021: 154,000
• 2020: 147,000
• 2019: 137,000
• 2018: 132,000
MacDailyNews Take: This growth comes despite Apple pulling the plug on “Apple Car” earlier this year.
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