Apple News will let you watch live U.S. election results from your Home and Lock Screens

Apple’s News app will deliver live U.S. election updates to iPhone and iPad users’ lockscreens. And if you’ve got a recent iPhone, you can even keep tabs on the election right in the Dynamic Island while using your iPhone with other apps. It’ll show the electoral count for the U.S. Presidential Election as well as Senate and House Congressional Election tallies.
Justine Calma for The Verge:
To get the updates on your lockscreen, you’ll have to register first. Open up Apple News and tap on the “Follow the 2024 election live” banner. If you don’t see the option right away, look for “Election 2024” under the “Special Coverage” section of the menu. You should get a notification that the Live Activity has been enabled.
Apple News similarly shared caucus results through Live Activities earlier this year.
MacDailyNews Take: Nothing to see yet until the data begins flowing after polls begin closing later tonight.
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