Three U.S. Apple Retail Stores will change locations on November 9th

Apple Retail Stores in three U.S. cities will move to new temporary locations on November 9, likely due to renovations.
Marko Zivkovic for AppleInsider:
On Tuesday, Apple announced that its La Encantada retail store, in Tucson, Arizona will move to a new location that opens on November 9, at 10 AM local time. According to the company’s website, the temporary store will be located on Level 2 of the outdoor shopping center, just in front of the stairs.
As MacRumors points out, the La Encantada store was originally opened two decades ago, in 2004. Apple may opt to renovate the original store location while the temporary store is in use. There are currently no details as to when the La Encantada store will return to its original location.
In late October, Apple announced that it would be opening a temporary store at Roosevelt Field in Long Island, New York, along with another store in Fairfax, Virginia. Both stores are set to open on November 9, the same date as the relocated La Encantada store.
MacDailyNews Note: Apple’s retail store site is here.
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